Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 15, "The day drinks actually meant drinks"

This morning we celebrated the Eucharist at the cathedral with the congregation there. It was fairly similar to back home, as I’ve already mentioned about the language it’s close enough to back home to be comfortable but different enough to not let me go on auto-pilot. The demographics were about the same as well, mostly old white folks with a little bit of young folk with families and a few people of different races throughout. Afterwards we met with the congregation for drinks, which I had assumed meant tea and coffee maybe sherry. Nope, red and white wine, with a little bit of apple and orange juice as well (they love OJ here, it’s served at nearly every meal). We met some interesting folk from the area. I got to speak with the Bishop of Dover briefly (he was celebrating his 40th anniversary of being priested by celebrating at the cathedral).
We had a teaching session in the afternoon with Bishop Josiah Fearon from the Diocese of Kaduna, Nigeria. It was really interesting, he talked about the Nigerian perspective on being Anglican. He was very upfront about what needs to be fixed in the Nigerian church as well as what they do well. He spoke a lot about the Anglican Communion as a family and how we need to pray and work hard to keep this family from breaking up. He was upfront about his differences with the Episcopal Church but spoke about how important it is to stay together so that we can keep each other in check.
Tomorrow we head into London pretty early and do some tuff at the offices of the Anglican Communion offices then go to Lambeth and get to meet Rowan Williams. That should be really neat.

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