Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 19, "The day I truly realized just how lucky we westerners are"

Well I had more alarm problems today, it decided to go off roughly 40 minutes after when it was set. So needless to say I missed matins again. In the morning bible study we looked at Philemon with Kathy Grieb to get prepared to look at Philippians in depth over the next week. In the first session with Philippians we looked at the first chapter and just went verse by verse with Kathy giving commentary on nearly every verse. It was nice to have Kathy going that slow with something, so much different than NT3 with her.
The thing that stuck out to me the most today was when we broke into small groups. One of the guys from my group is from the Sudan and all of a sudden in the middle of our conversation he started looking really nervous. One of the girls from Kenya instantly knew what was going on and said "you're not in the Sudan, it's ok" or something like that. Then we realized that the grass was being cut outside and the noise of the mower (which I had just blocked out because it's so common) was freaking him out. We talked about it in the group for a bit after that and he told us that in the Sudan if you see a plane coming you run for the bush. It was such an astonishing discussion for me and really drove home how fortunate we are.
In the afternoon was +Josiah's last session with us. He discussed interfaith dialogue & conflict. That was also another reminder of how fortunate we are. In many places throughout Africa Christians are second class citizens to the Muslims who runs a lot of the countries. His stories and experiences were so foreign to me. Also, he told us he's seen as a 'western stooge' because he works with Muslims trying to foster a better, peaceful way of existing together. It really is astonishing how different our experiences are from each other and how much that shapes how we view everything.
The evening ended by going out to the Bishop's Finger with David, Jason, Elyse and Paul. It was fun and nice to get out of the precincts.

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