Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 18, "The day I climbed Bell Harry"

This morning I decided I'd sleep in and show up for eucharist but miss matins. I reset my alarm for 7:30 so i could be up and be there for 8am. Well, I fell back asleep and after a while woke up and felt I had slept too long but the alarm hadn't gone off yet. I got up and checked the time and it was 8:15, once again I haven't exactly figured out all the intricacies of this alarm.
The morning followed the same format as usual. Ed led an Ignatian bible study in the Chapel of All Saints, which is up a normally closed off staircase. Afterward +Josiah led another teaching session on the bible and context and the limits of relativism. The general tone of his lecture seemed somewhat biting to the west. He was, however, very upfront with the problems and troubles that they experience in Nigeria. I haven't agreed with him on everything but I've been deeply impressed with his honesty and humility.
In the afternoon a group of us were able to climb up Bell Harry. It took a while to get up to the top but once we did it was amazing. Half way up we were able to walk around the interior balcony of the tower and look down on most of the cathedral because of its central location, that was really neat.
The day ended as usual, dinner then talking with the Canadians about +Josiah's session this morning. Now I'm watching 300.

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